awesomeville town hall aka h4x0r blog

new haircut im at the top of the world its the best hair ive ever had will add more to this l8r

HTML IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING !!!!!!!!!!!! sick of having to trial and error my way aroudn making this shitty site work !!! its wuddevz tho i pretty much got it sorted i just need to make the social look nice the shrine can wait 4 now tho idc i got shit 2 do like watch movies and play video games lolololololol also more serious note i like almost never see the side of el that he shows when he writes on the shack but like talkign about ur feelnigs 2 ur buddies is gay and makes the whole dynamic suck i done it b4 and itz lame + it makes u look like a pussy . hope he gets his shit 2gether with tha breakup but he should NOT be getting back 2gethr with that hoe tho. rat ass bitch usin my buddy for jack shit fuck her. i saw this one photo a while ago with some bitches battle jacket and the entire main back thing was covered in a bunch of stupid rules like NO HATE NO BIGOTRY do you realise how gay you sound rn . and then the bands were like slayer and misfits LOOOOL . punk is dead and so is the rest of rock tbh theyre all stuck dwelling on the past like a bunch of fucking losers listening to bands from 40 years ago . also rip to all of me and els other blog posts that got wiped when i cleared out the og awesomeville. man that site sucked so much ass but i kinda liked it shit had sum charm . this ones way better tho. also FUCK YOU! if you cant read my text on this background